Official Android 2.3 gingerbread for Motorola Atrix 4G in Testing – 1000 Testers Wanted!

Well, Motorola has finally made up its mood to update its flagship android phone, the Atrix 4G, to Android 2.3 Gingerbread. That’s good — provided the damage is not done already due to serious delays — considering Samsung has already updated its flagship devices long before and HTC got it off its head too recently, so the pressure — too much pressure indeed — was on Droid’s maker to sweetly and very quickly hug the Gingerbread, now.

Motorola was found sending the email to Atrix users who took their time to fill the Motorola Feedback network survey in the recent past, handing out opportunities to test the beta builds of Android 2.3.X Gingerbread for Atrix 4G. Of all the emails sent to survey participators, first 1000 to say OK — that is, “Yes, why not, I’m glad you chose me. Would get me more Internet fame and maybe great bunch of Google+ friends” — would get the chance to test the beta Gingerbread update. After the testers give nod — or maybe the phone will auto send the perfectly anonymous data to mother Moto — the company will decide on its goodness and if found OK, official rollout for general public will begin soon.

Since the survey period ends on 18th July ‘11, if all slots are filled out which probably is no big task, we expect the official rollout to begin later this month or anyway next month after the bugs and other mysterious things whatsoever are fixed.

Via Android Central

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: