It was earlier rumored that Google is working on the Nexus 10 tablet with Samsung, a tablet which is supposed to have a display with a resolution of 2560 x 1600 that would beat the new iPad’s retina display in pixel density and sharpness. However, according to Brooke Crothers of CNET, the Nexus 10 might not make it to the market till some time in the first half of next year, and achieving that high resolution display on a 10-inch tablet might be to blame.
While Brooke does not give any reason for the delay, it is possible that making such a pixel dense display might be the reason for Samsung to take more time with the Nexus 10. It could also be due to the Exynos 5 ARM Cortex-A15 processor, the next generation of Samsung’s Exynos chipset that the Korean manufacturer is working on, which we know is coming but hasn’t yet been announced to be anywhere near completion.
It is indeed disappointing if this turns out to be true, as there is quite a large section of users that would prefer to have a larger 10″ Nexus tablet. But if it turns out to be a tablet with a great display and an equally great chipset powering it, the wait could be well worth it.
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