Earlier today, Google acquired a company named Incentive Targeting. The company partners with retail stores and provides targeted coupon services and marketing to manufacturers of groceries and other retail store products. Incentive Targeting announced on their official website today to announce the acquisition by Google, and has confirmed that both companies will be working together very soon.
It is likely that Google intends to focus on developing a more targeted strategy towards delivering more relevant deals and discounts to users through existing Google Services. Perhaps the new Google Wallet which is in the works may be one of the channels Google may want to utilize the expertise of the new company in.
There is no information yet, on what Google specifically plans to do with this acquisition, and what services it intends to leverage the acquired company’s expertise towards. There has been no official comment from Google insofar, but we are keeping our radar tuned for developments on this, and will keep you posted as soon as we hear more on this.
Via Droid-Life