Android gets the Humble Bundle pay-what-you-want games!


Android is getting ALL the attention from developers, and the days are gone when Android was not a booming platform in-terms of games. And, a new announcement only adds legibility to the above statement. Humble Bundle, which was until now, available only on Mac, Linux and Windows, has released the latest pack on the Android OS too!

You can grab Anomaly: War for Earth, EDGE and Osmos — on a pay-what-you-want basis! Yes, you heard it right. All you need to do is head to the website, select your amount: there is no limit or condition on the paid amount, select your method and you are done!

Not just that, you can also select the split-up between the game-devs, humble and charity. And yes, paying over the average does have a perk — a bonus game, World of Goo! All this first started-off as an experiment in game distribution, and, over the years has transformed into a platform for open studios to showcase their finesse.

Humble Bundle for Android Mac Linux and Windows

One more thing, these fantastic games will be available for a limited period of 14 days from now. So you’d better head-on to their website and fork-out whatever small amount you can.